Brazilian Butt Lift

  • Case #38

    Procedures Performed 24 year old female interested in body contouring specifically liposuction to her abdomen, back, flanks and medial thighs as well as fat transfer to her buttocks. She primarily wanted more curvature of her buttocks not volume. Dr. Lewis performed a Brazilian Butt Lift and the patient loves the results.  Surgeon: Gordon Lewis, M.D.…

  • Case #69

    Procedures Performed 28 year old mother of 3 interested in a smaller waist and additional volume in her butt. Liposuction was performed on her abdomen, flanks, back and medial thighs. A total of 950 ml of fat was injected into each buttock.  Surgeon: Gordon Lewis, M.D. Gender: Female

  • Case #70

    Procedures Performed 28-year-old female, who was interested in liposuction to, bilateral outer thighs, abdomen and flanks and using a fat transfer to her buttock. 800ml of fat were injected into each buttock. Patient is very happy with her results. Surgeon: Gordon Lewis, M.D. Gender: Female

  • Case #71

    Procedures Performed 32-year-old female. Patient was interested in buttock augmentation by using fat from her abdomen, upper and lower back. 960 ml of fat was injected into each buttock.​ Surgeon: Gordon Lewis, M.D.

  • Case #111

    Procedures Performed 58 year old female who was interested in cosmetic improvement of her buttocks. She was interested in increased buttock volume asa well as liposuction to her abdomen, flanks, back, and medial thighs. Dr. Lewis preformed a Brazilian butt lift involving liposuction of those areas with a fat transfer to her buttocks. Dr. Lewis…

  • Case #114

    Procedures Performed 40 year old female who was interested in a buttock augmentation. She had a prior abdominoplasty at another location and was unhappy with the contour of her upper and lower abdomen, flanks, and back. She was also interested in liposuction of her medial thighs. After discussion, she decided a Brazilian butt lift was…