Case #73
Procedures Performed 52 year old patient 4 years post gastric bypass. Starting weight was 270 pounds and once she reached her goal of 160lbs and had been stable for 2 years, she decided it was time to pursue sugical options. She was unhappy with the skin on her lower abdomen and sag in her breasts.…
Case #77
Procedures Performed 44-year-old mother of 3 was unhappy with the volume of her breasts as well as her superior pole and cleavage. She also knows that she has sag in her breasts, and would like that corrected. Additionally, she is unhappy with the contour of her abdomen. and does not like the excess skin she…
Case #79
Procedures Performed 33-year-old with 2 children and was unhappy with the contour of her abdomen, size and shape of her breasts. Dr. Lewis performed a tummy tuck, small breast reduction with lift and liposuction of her flanks, medial thighs and “bra roll”. Surgeon: Gordon Lewis, M.D.
Case #107
Procedures Performed 46 year old female who was unhappy with the volume as well as the sag of her breasts. She wanted improvement with her breasts. Dr. Lewis preformed an augmentation mastopexy with a lollipop incision. Surgeon: Gordon Lewis, M.D. Age: 47 Gender: Female Implant Placement: Submuscular Implant Shape: Round Implant Size: Left: 350 cc…
Case #128
Procedures Performed 32 year old female came in to our office wanting to lift and add volume to her breasts. After breast feeding, she realized she lost a lot of volume and created more sag over time. She was interested in a lift and implants. Dr. Lewis preformed a mastopexy and added implants. She is…
Case #13
Procedures Performed Patient was extremely self conscious of her breasts after having 3 children. She was unhappy with the volume and shape. Dr. Lewis lifted them and performed an augmentation with an implant to achieve her desired results. She is thrilled that her breasts look even better than they did before children. Surgeon: Gordon Lewis, M.D.