Breast Revision

  • Case #56

    Procedures Performed 36-year-old female who had a breast augmentation approximately 12 years prior to this visit by another surgeon. She noted 2 years prior that her right breast had become smaller. She was also unhappy with the flatness on the top of her left breast.Dr. Lewis replaced both implants; a complete capsulectomy was performed on…

  • Case #64

    Procedures Performed 42-year-old female with prior Abdominoplasty and Breast Augmentation who did not like the position of her lower abdominal incision and Breast Shape/Size. Dr. Lewis revised the placement of the incision, corrected the size of her umbilicus and revised her breasts with a lift and used 500cc Silicone Implants.​ Patient is extremely happy!

  • Case #104

    Procedures Performed Patient is a 45 year old female with a history of a prior augmentation mastopexy. She was interested in implant exchange as well as a revision of her augmentation to correct the shape of her breasts. She was happy with the size, but did not like that her breasts have gotten saggy. Dr.…